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Changes, Milestones on Oregon Coast Trail - Gaps Getting Addressed

Published 10/07/24 at 6:25 a.m.
By Oregon Coast Beach Connection Staff

(Oceanside, Oregon) – Much has happened in recent months with the Oregon Coast Trail – the massive system of hiking pathways that run along this shoreline's entire 363 miles. New plans have been laid down for its future, another state entity will be overseeing it, major improvements in some areas are on the way – including transportation from some points along the trail – and more people are completing the entire hike. (Trail over Tillamook Head from Seaside / Oregon Coast Beach Connection)

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Oregon Coast Visitors Association (OCVA) recently announced a host of changes coming and milestones being reached.

Early this year, the trail changed hands in a way. OCVA handed over the future of the Oregon Coast Trail Action Plan to the Oregon Coast Trail Foundation (OCTF). The plan is an expansive set of goals and tasks that pooled together various state and federal agencies that will improve on it in a variety of ways.

“The vision for the completion of the trail is long term, and partners all over the coast are working to address the gaps,” said OCVA's Lynee Jacks. “Some of those gaps involve trail work, while others require the infrastructure and logistics of boat shuttles. In the meantime, plenty of visitors are hiking the parts of the trail that are currently walkable, which is a testament to the exciting future of this route as a through-trail.”

Among the transportation actions are ways that river crossings can be improved upon, especially when the trails don't always work with major bridges in the region.

Salmonberry Trail

“Over the summer, there have also been a few stories of hikers who reached out to the Oregon Coast Visitors Association when they were struggling to cross the Umpqua River, facing il-weather, and other logistical challenges,” Jacks said. “In every case, hikers received help and were able to get back on trail – and we learned a lot in the process about the needs of OCT hikers and how to prioritize future resources.”

On the southern coast, South Coast Tours will be expanding their shuttle services where there are gaps in trails. For example, company's boat Averill is now offering $25 boat shuttles from Bullards Beach Campground to Old Town Bandon – perfect for Oregon Coast Trail hikers nearing the end of their journey.

OCVA was also excited about the milestone achieved with those who hiked the entire trail – from Astoria to Brookings. At least 53 people completed the trail this summer.

OCVA partnered with the Crissey Field State Park Visitor Center in Brookings to be the official home of the “I completed the Oregon Coast Trail” certificates, badges and hats. Now, those that have gone the entire gauntlet of scenic challenges have something to commemorate their accomplishments. These are also now available in the OCVA store, Jacks said.

Up on the north coast, the Salmonberry Trail is still a gem under construction. The Salmonberry Trail Foundation has been leading hikes in the area, and slowly piecing together the pathway's future.

At the same time, Tillamook Coast Visitors Association (TCVA) formed the TCVA Trails Coalition to combine efforts with the OCT and link together sections of both trails.

Dan Haag (Director of Trails, Outdoor Recreation, and Accessibility at TCVA) said there's a lot of possibilities.

“There are places where the Salmonberry Trail and Oregon Coast Trail cross paths in the Bay City area, so these are a great shared priority for the Salmonberry Trail Foundation and our newly formed Trails Coalition,” Haag said.

TCVA is also updating the Tillamook Bay Heritage Route Project, which displays the diverse history and cultural heritage of the region.

Interested in getting involved with the future of the Oregon Coast Trail? OCVA suggests:

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