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Chillin' in Retrospect: Oregon Coast in the Snow

Published 03/26/2020 at 6:24 AM PDT
By Oregon Coast Beach Connection staff

Chillin' in the Retrospect: Oregon Coast in the Snow

(Oregon Coast) – It doesn’t happen every year on the Oregon coast. In fact, it did not this year. Usually, it’s the coast range that gets a sizable dusting a few times a year, sometimes causing problems getting to and from the beaches. However, when snow does hit the Oregon coast it’s always a grand entrance, and without fail it’s the coolest – pun intended – show in town.

As much of the nation sits at home at what should be a fun spring break getaway, it seems like a good time to look back at the some of the extraordinary frosty sights that hit the beaches in the last decade.

Thanks to Seaside Aquarium, there’s always a good flurry of exceptional shots. In the photo at top, Daphne Hoth snapped this moment in 2018 of white on the sands, with the aquarium itself standing in stark contrast to the almost blinding beachscape.

Hoth also snagged this wonder, with seamless lines between sea and snow that make the whole thing a tad dreamlike.

Cannon Beach Haystack Rock in snow

That same storm, Cannon Beach’s Haystack Rock Awareness Program grabbed this gorgeous sight of the famed and iconic rock looking like a small, snow-capped mountain top.

This is what Pacific City looked like some 11 years before that in the middle of a run of snow. Late 2006 brought lots of unusual finds and moments to the beaches. This one was caught by Oregon Coast Beach Connection.

During the same snowy period, Fogarty Beach showed off its fine new white apparel during a particularly lovely sundown.

Fast forward again to January of 2012, this was Depoe Bay during an especially plentiful snow event.

The Ocean Inn in Manzanita sent this one of that same storm event, showing the north Oregon coast town just smothered in a post-holiday, chill-inducing cheer.

Ever wondered what snow in the Oregon coast range looked like at night? Photographing after dark has its own stunning set of pleasures, but snow can be especially rewarding when mixed with long exposures. The human eye sees this as pitch black, but the camera sees everything. Oregon Coast Hotels in this area - Where to eat - Maps - Virtual Tours

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