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Northern Beaches of Seaside - Ethereal, Unusual Views at Night
Virtual Tour of Seaside, Oregon Coast

Seaside at night

At night, Seaside's Promenade and beaches make for a beautiful, calming stroll, with the retro lamplights of the Prom casting a soft glow on the concrete and the sands.

Along the way are plenty of benches for sitting and watching the sunset or just nuzzling up together. Immerse yourself in the atmosphere provided by the beach and the lamplight bathing the Prom after the sun goes down. Or start your own little fire on the sand and take in the sound of the waves.

The second photograph shows "starfall" at Seaside: essentially the long exposure of a night scene of several seconds to a few minutes captures the movement of the stars. They wind up looking like meteors, but you can see they're all too uniform for that.

That coloring in the sky comes from the very last minutes of Blue Hour - the time after sunset when some tiny amount of sun still paints the sky. The human eye would not be able to see this, but the camera does.

Also see Best Beaches of the Oregon Coast at Nighttime: Safest, Most Impressive